Thursday13 March 2025

In Kryvyi Rih, a striking bird with a striped "hairstyle" was photographed, capturing attention with its loud call.

In Kryvyi Rih, a beautiful bird was captured in a photograph.
В Кривом Роге запечатлели яркую птицу с полосатой "прической", привлекающую внимание своим необычным внешним видом.

In Kryvyi Rih, a jay was spotted and photographed – a small bird characterized by its striped crest and vividly "decorated" wings. The photographs were shared on Facebook by photographer Viktor Sevidov, as reported by "Vidomo".

"Jay (Garrulus glandarius). Kryvyi Rih. 2025," he captioned the photo.

It is well known that the jay is a relatively small yet striking bird. It does not miss any events in its territory. Anything that catches its attention is immediately met with loud, agitated cries.

The jay has a quite vivid appearance. Its body feathers have a reddish tint, while its wings and tail are black. There are white feathers above the tail. This bird features a prominent crest on its head.

Jays feed on both plant and animal matter. They consume worms and various insects, but they can also raid the nests of smaller birds. In such cases, they may take both eggs and chicks found in foreign nests. In oak forests, jays eagerly eat acorns.

Interestingly, jays, like squirrels, can store food. They hide acorns in various spots in the forest: burying them under moss or concealing them in clumps of grass, thus helping to spread oaks throughout the forest. They can also stash their supplies in the cracks of tree bark.

The jay is a very intelligent bird. When it hides its supplies, it suppresses its noisy calls and tries to act as quietly as possible so that no rivals discover its stash. In the opposite scenario, when a jay is watching someone to steal something, it also behaves very quietly to avoid revealing its presence.