Friday14 March 2025

In Dnipro, the owner of a famous historical building is attempting to remove it from the registry of monuments (PHOTOS).

For over 29 years, the building was registered as state property, but it later acquired a private owner.
В Днепре владелец знаменитого исторического здания стремится исключить его из списка памятников. (ФОТО)

In the center of Dnipro, at the intersection of Lesya Ukrainka Avenue and Stepan Bandera Street, stands a building that is well-known to many city residents — the Ekaterinoslav State Wine Warehouse. The structure is in a severely dilapidated condition, and its current owner is doing everything possible to remove it from the register of monuments of Ukraine. This was reported by "Vidomo," referring to the Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the City Council.

Constructed around 130 years ago, this complex is an outstanding example of industrial architecture from the late 19th century. Its brick facades, which bear the marks of time, tell a rich history and are an integral part of Dnipro's historical appearance.

For over 29 years, the Ekaterinoslav Wine Warehouse has been listed as a national cultural heritage site in Ukraine. This status was reaffirmed just two years ago, providing the building with special legal protection and recognition of its historical value at the national level. Its inclusion in the State Register of Monuments confirmed the significance of the building to Ukraine's cultural heritage, ensuring its preservation and preventing unauthorized reconstruction or demolition.

However, the current owner of the building holds a completely different view. He disputes the historical value of the complex and has been engaged in a legal battle for two years, seeking to strip it of its monument status. This has raised serious concerns among the public and specialists in cultural heritage protection. Attempts to remove the building from the register appear to be aimed at clearing the way for profitable development of the site.

The commercial appeal of the location is undeniable — its prime position, large area, and surrounding territory make it a desirable investment opportunity. However, these goals should not be achieved at the expense of destroying the city's historical heritage.

As part of the legal proceedings, the owner has secured a comprehensive expert evaluation. Experts from the Kyiv branch of the National Scientific Center "Forensic Expertise Institute named after Honored Professor M. S. Bokarius" of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine have been tasked with conducting an art and historical-archaeological assessment of the building. The results of this evaluation will be crucial for the court case and will determine the fate of the historic wine warehouse.

The question of whether the owner will receive permission to demolish the architectural monument remains open. The public and specialists hope that the court will decide in favor of preserving the historical building.

Previously, we reported that a new tourist attraction may appear in Dnipropetrovsk region.

We also wrote - A famous burial mound has been added to the register of immovable monuments of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region.