Wednesday12 March 2025

Need to complete the VVK by February 4th? Find out who must urgently go through this process and the consequences of missing the deadline.

In Ukraine, the period for re-evaluating the military medical commission (VVK) for those deemed "fit for limited service" will conclude on February 4. Individuals with this status need to update their health information promptly to avoid penalties. However, there is a possibility that the deadline may be extended.
Успеете до 4 февраля? Кто должен пройти ВВК срочно и какие последствия, если не успеете?

In Ukraine, the period for re-examination by the Military Medical Commission (VVK) for those deemed "conditionally fit" will end on February 4. Individuals with this status must update their health information promptly to avoid penalties. However, it is possible that the deadline may be extended.

For more details about VVK for "conditionally fit" individuals, refer to the article from RBK-Ukraine below.

Why "conditionally fit" individuals need to undergo VVK

Last spring, new statuses were approved in Ukraine that define the level of fitness for military service.

The criteria "conditionally fit for military service" and "unfit for military service in peacetime, conditionally fit in wartime" were removed from the legislative provisions.

Ukrainians who held such statuses before May 4, 2024, were assigned to undergo a re-examination by the Military Medical Commission (VVK) to determine their fitness for military service.

The deadline for "conditionally fit" individuals to undergo the repeated VVK was set for 9 months from the date the relevant law came into effect – until February 4, 2025, inclusive.

The Territorial Centers for Recruitment and Social Support (TCK and SP) at the place of registration are responsible for organizing the medical examinations of conscripts. A referral for VVK must be obtained from TCK and SP either through a summons or by visiting the center in person.

What status can "conditionally fit" individuals receive

Based on the results of the medical examination, the VLK's decision may indicate one of the following statuses:


  • For military service. Fitness for performing both combat and non-combat tasks.
  • For service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Fitness for service in units of Air Assault Troops, Marine Corps, submarines, special operations, etc.
  • For service in support military units, TCK and SP, training centers, and other auxiliary structures. Fitness for service in logistical, medical, and other units, but not in special or combat units.


  • For service in the Armed Forces or military specialty. Refers to unfitness for service in special units, such as Air Assault Troops.
  • For military service with a review in 6-12 months. During martial law, such servicemen are discharged from the reserve but have the opportunity for a health reassessment.
  • For military service with exclusion from military registration. Grants the right to be discharged from service and removed from records.

Temporarily unfit:

  • For attending training exercises (the decision is made regarding conscripts, reservists called for training);
  • For military service (if there are health-related reasons, for instance, individuals undergoing treatment, rehabilitation, or if it is currently impossible to determine fitness due to a progressing illness).

Consequences for violators

Failure to comply with the requirement for timely VVK examination constitutes a violation of military registration rules. Thus, for not undergoing the repeated medical examination by the deadline of February 4, 2025, individuals with the status of "conditionally fit" face penalties.

According to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, such a violation incurs a fine ranging from 17,000 to 25,500 UAH.

Moreover, if an individual does not undergo the repeated VVK within the allotted time, no changes will be reflected in the military registration document in the "Reserve+" application. However, if TCK sends a summons for a medical examination and the conscript fails to attend, their status in "Reserve+" will change to "wanted."

Can the deadline for VVK be extended after February 4?

As the deadline for the medical examination of "conditionally fit" individuals approaches, it has been reported that the period may be extended due to a significant number of citizens who have not yet undergone VVK.

As stated by Deputy Head of the President's Office Iryna Vereshchuk, over 1 million "conditionally fit" individuals have not yet re-examined with VLK because they were waiting for a summons from TCK and SP.

She noted that the government is working on legislative changes to extend the deadline for repeated medical examinations for the conditionally fit and postpone the imposition of penalties.

The Deputy Head of the President's Office clarified that due to the capacity of the existing VVKs, additional time is needed for conducting repeated examinations:

"Of course, it will be up to legislators to decide, but our position is that we need to provide at least three months. We understand that we have a certain number of VVKs – 1,036. And there are over a million people who need to undergo this. And there is a capacity issue. So after calculating, we still need 3 months," emphasized Vereshchuk.

VLK by summons or in "Reserve+"

According to Iryna Vereshchuk, the delay in the VVK process for "conditionally fit" individuals was partly due to people waiting for summons from TCK. However, soon it will be possible to receive a referral for a medical examination without visiting TCK and SP, but through "Reserve+".

The launch of this service is scheduled for the end of February 2025, but Defense Minister Rustem Umerov stated that it will be available a month earlier.

The Ministry of Defense has already initiated beta testing for online registration for VVK in "Reserve+". The service functions as follows:

  • the user sends a request;
  • the head of TCK confirms the request;
  • the user receives a notification with all necessary information: registration number of the referral, address of the medical facility, signature of the head of TCK.

"Initially, referrals will be generated for citizens who wish to undergo VLK themselves. But subsequently, this option will also be available for individuals who receive a paper summons for VVK," noted Rustem Umerov.

In preparing this material, publications from the Ministry of Defense portal, Armyinform, text of law No. 3621, statements from Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and Deputy Head of the President's Office Iryna Vereshchuk were used.