Monday10 February 2025

Red Visitor: A fox has been spotted roaming the Topol neighborhood in Dnipro (VIDEO).

The animal turned out to be quite calm and not easily frightened.
Рыжая гостья: в Днепре по жилому массиву Тополь гуляет лиса (ВИДЕО)

In the city of Dnipro, on the Topol residential area, a fox was spotted. The sly red creature showed no fear of people and even allowed itself to be filmed, after which it grabbed a treat it had previously found and disappeared into the bushes. This was reported by "Vydamo" referencing "HDnipro".

The animal behaved quite calmly, posing no threat to the "reluctant operator" and his companions.

However, specialists strongly advise against approaching such wild visitors and avoiding direct contact with them in similar situations. Foxes, like other wild animals, can be unpredictable, and their behavior may range from friendly to aggressive, especially if they feel threatened.

If you encounter a fox or another wild animal, it is advisable to report it to the appropriate services immediately.

It is important to remember that foxes can carry various diseases, such as rabies, which poses a danger to both humans and domestic pets.

Previously, we reported that near Dnipro, there was an invasion of predators due to the accumulation of cattle remains

We also wrote - in Dnipropetrovsk region, law enforcement rescued an injured owl