Monday17 February 2025

Requested help in a locked house: a woman was rescued in Tomakovka (PHOTO)

A woman in need of assistance was rescued from a locked house.
В Томаковке спасли женщину, которая попросила о помощи из закрытого дома. (ФОТО)

On Wednesday, January 22, a woman in need of assistance was rescued from a locked house in Tomakivka, Nikopol district. This information was reported by "Vidomo," referencing the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region.

The alert about a woman requesting help behind a closed door in a private residence on Ukrainian Street in Tomakivka, Nikopol district, was received by the rescue service at 11:06 AM on January 22.

Upon arrival, rescuers, accompanied by law enforcement, opened the front door, allowing medical personnel access to the premises.

The 41-year-old woman required medical attention and was subsequently taken to the hospital.

A total of 4 rescuers and 1 unit of firefighting and rescue equipment from the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the region were involved in the operation.