Friday14 March 2025

Toys scattered at the bus stop: a glimpse of the renovated building on Victory Street after the missile strike (PHOTOS, VIDEO).

At the site of the missile strike on Pobeda, an improvised memorial remains.
Игрушки у остановки: так выглядит восстановленный после ракетного удара дом на Победе (ФОТО, ВИДЕО)

In Dnipro, the reconstruction of building No. 118 on the Pobeda housing estate has been completed, which was struck by a Russian enemy missile in January 2023, reports "Vідомо".

Among the main works carried out, the completely demolished sections of the building, specifically two entrances, were addressed. Additionally, the facade parts of the neighboring entrances were repaired.

Not far from the building, at the public transport stop, toys continue to be laid in memory of those who perished during that strike.

At the time of the work, residents from 36 apartments in both entrances were evacuated. However, they have already returned to their homes.