Friday14 March 2025

The mayor of Marganets has created a Google form for residents to submit their questions directly to him.

The mayor of Marganets promises to respond to citizens' inquiries.
Мэр Марганца запустил Google-форму для жителей, чтобы они могли задавать ему свои вопросы.

The mayor of Marganets, Gennady Borovik, announced that he has created a Google form for residents to ask him questions. This was reported by "Vidomo," referencing a post from the official on Facebook.

"A constructive dialogue is always important. I am committed to listening to every resident of our community! I am ready to hear from anyone who has a thoughtful opinion and suggestions! Only through collaboration can we address the pressing issues that have arisen during the war and discuss ways to resolve them.

To prevent misinformation and rumors from spreading, I am providing a link to the Google form where the residents of the Marganets community can ask me questions directly. I will respond to them on my FB page," – wrote Borovik.

It is noteworthy that the mayor of Marganets has limited the list of people who can comment on this post on Facebook, as well as on other publications on his page.

The Google form for submitting questions to the mayor of Marganets can be found here.

To ask the city head a question, users need to provide not only their full name but also a contact phone number.