Wednesday12 March 2025

Medical exams without TCK are possible, but there’s a caveat for those under 45. Discover how mobilization rules have changed in Ukraine.

This week, the Cabinet of Ministers updated the mobilization regulations. The key innovation is the introduction of electronic directives for undergoing the military medical commission (MMC), along with several other changes.
Медосмотр без ТЦК, но до 45 лет есть особенности. Узнайте, как изменились правила мобилизации в Украине.

This week, the Cabinet of Ministers updated the mobilization rules. The key innovation is the introduction of electronic referrals for undergoing the military medical commission (VMC), along with several other changes.

RBK-Ukraine explains how the new rules will work.

Who will be sent for a medical examination after data clarification in TCC

Previously, there was a provision stating that Ukrainians registered for military service who arrived at TCC to clarify personal data (according to the mobilization law - residence address, phone number, email) were not automatically sent for a medical examination. They were only sent upon receiving a summons.

Now, such conscripts can be directed for a medical examination based on information in the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Military Obligations, and Reservists "Oberih", if there is no valid decision from the military medical commission regarding their fitness for service (and/or other grounds for deferral).

Additionally, those who voluntarily express such a desire can also be sent for a medical examination.

It should be noted that this primarily concerns military personnel with the status of "limited fitness". According to the mobilization law, this status has been abolished, and by February 4, 2025, individuals must undergo a commission to obtain a new status - either "unfit" or "fit" with certain clarifications.

As of today, around one million "limited fitness" individuals have yet to undergo the commission and are unlikely to do so within the allotted time. Therefore, as RBK-Ukraine has learned, a draft law is being prepared to extend this deadline to June 5, 2025.

Reservists and military personnel assigned to fill military units with mobilization orders are called up based on the results of previously conducted medical examinations. If they have no health complaints, they are not sent for a medical examination.

Those who have not undergone a medical examination or whose fitness determination has expired are directed to the medical commission. During the state of martial law, the certificate is valid for one year from the date of issuance.

Furthermore, the changes stipulate that military personnel are not sent for a medical examination while a deferral from mobilization is in effect. The exception is recruitment for service under contract or a personal desire to undergo the commission.

How electronic referrals will work through "Reserv+"

The new rules imply that a referral for the military medical commission can be generated electronically through the register of military obligations "Oberih".

Electronic referral:

  • is signed with the electronic signature of the TCC head

  • can be printed and handed over personally with a signature

  • the printed referral must contain a QR code (for verification purposes)

Additionally, the electronic referral is sent to the cabinet of the conscript, military personnel, or reservist. It should be noted that the electronic cabinet is implemented via the mobile application "Reserv+".

As clarified by the Ministry of Defense, this means that it is no longer necessary to go to TCC and wait in line for a paper referral to the commission. After submitting a request through "Reserv+", one just needs to wait for a notification with the required information on their smartphone and arrive at the specified medical institution.

This referral is considered received on the day it is sent to the electronic cabinet.

However, at the initial stage, referrals through "Reserv+" can only be generated by military personnel who wish to undergo an examination to determine their fitness. Later, this function will also be available to those who receive a paper summons. In such cases, there will be no need to visit TCC again, and the summons will be considered fulfilled.

The electronic referral service through "Reserv+" will start on January 31, 2025. Beta testing of the service began recently.

"We have already assembled a team of testers, and today everyone is receiving emails and starting the test," - wrote Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Yekaterina Chernohorenko on Facebook the day before.

The next step in the reform of military medical commissions will be the integration of the information systems of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health. By fall 2025, military personnel will be able to independently select a medical institution for examination through "Reserv+".

In what other cases can one undergo a medical examination without TCC

One of the points suggests that military personnel who wish to serve in a personally chosen military unit can receive a referral for the military medical commission not only from TCC but also directly from the commander of the military unit or the head of the recruitment center.

In this case, the commander or head of the recruitment center issues a referral, which is registered in the appropriate log and handed over to the military personnel or reservist for their personal signature.

The commander or head of the recruitment center notifies TCC of this via electronic document flow. The TCC head must enter the relevant information into the "Oberih" register within one day.

In practice, this means that if an individual has chosen a unit for service, they can receive a referral for the commission without TCC's involvement. However, it is unclear whether this right will be granted if the military personnel has already been taken to the military enlistment office.

What age restrictions are in place

One of the significant changes concerns fitness for service in certain types of troops. According to the decree, the fitness for service will primarily be determined for individuals under 45 years of age:

  • in airborne assault troops

  • in special operations forces

  • in naval infantry

This information must be explicitly stated in the referral for the military medical commission.

What other rules have changed since the beginning of the year

In January 2025, a law was passed that changed several rules for military registration.

For instance, healthy and age-appropriate Ukrainian women who voluntarily wish to serve will be registered for military service at their request. This means they cannot be mobilized forcibly.

Moreover, boys who turn 17 in the year of registration can also register for military service by entering the corresponding information into the "Oberih" register. This can even be done without visiting TCC, as long as they complete identification and clarify their data through the "Reserv+" application.

For more details, read the article "For the first time without TCC and women by choice. How military registration rules will change in Ukraine."

Preparation utilized: the text of Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 91, information from the Ministry of Defense's website, and the page of Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Yekaterina Chernohorenko on Facebook.