Wednesday05 February 2025

Maguchikh ranked in the top 5 among world champions in 2024.

The athlete from Dnipro has once again secured top positions in the rankings.
Магучих вошла в пятерку лучших чемпионок мира в 2024 году.

Olympic champion in high jump Yaroslav Maguchikh from Dnipro has made it to the ranking of the world's best champions compiled by the influential sports publication L'Équipe, reports "Vідомо".

However, the Ukrainian athlete, who received numerous awards and accolades this season, only secured the fifth position, accumulating just 222 points in the survey, which is five times less than American gymnast Simone Biles (1100). She topped the ranking.

In second and third places are swimmers Summer McIntosh (Canada) and Katie Ledecky (USA). The fourth position is held by track and field athlete Sydney McLaughlin (USA).