Wednesday05 February 2025

What will the weather be like on January 4th in Dnipro and the surrounding region?

What weather do forecasters predict for the residents of Dnipropetrovsk region on January 4th?
Какая погода ожидается 4 января в Днепре и его области?

On Saturday, January 4, cloudy weather is expected in Dnipro and the surrounding area. Rain mixed with wet snow will fall during the night. This was reported by "Izvestno" citing the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Center for Hydrometeorology.

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, a northwesterly wind will prevail at 7-12 m/s, with gusts reaching 15-20 m/s in some areas.

The temperature in the region overnight will range from -3°C to +2°C, while during the day it will be around 0°C.

In the regional center, thermometers will show -0 to -2°C at night and +0 to +2°C during the day.

Additionally, some roads in the region are covered with ice, so drivers should exercise extra caution.