Saturday08 February 2025

How to receive government funds for funerals in Dnipro: a step-by-step guide.

Features of Receiving Burial Benefits in 2025
Как получить финансовую помощь на похороны от государства в Днепре: пошаговая инструкция.

In the event of the death of a solitary individual or a family member, relatives or those responsible for the burial have the right to receive financial assistance from the state. In Ukraine, the funds for burial are provided by the Pension Fund, but to obtain them, a specific set of documents must be gathered and a series of actions must be followed, as reported by "Vydomo" referencing the Ukrainian Center for Sociological Research and Social Initiatives.

What documents are needed to apply for funeral benefits in Dnipro

To receive financial aid for funerals, the following document package must be collected:

  • an application for benefits;
  • the passport of a citizen of Ukraine or another identity document;
  • a certificate of the pensioner's death or an extract from the State Register of Civil Status Acts regarding death;
  • a death certificate or another official document confirming the fact of death (if the person died outside Ukraine and the registration was conducted by authorities of another state);
  • a certificate of registration as an internally displaced person (for individuals from temporarily occupied territories);
  • bank account details in IBAN format.

The list of documents and the location for their submission may vary depending on the category of the deceased individual.

How to apply for the payment in 2025: what you need to know

To receive assistance, one should contact either the main department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Dnipro at 26 Naberezhna Pobedy Street or the service center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU). You can find the addresses of PFU service centers here.

Financial resources are credited to the bank account of the person who organized the burial.

If there is no bank account, assistance can be obtained through the international money transfer system "Quick Coin."

Important! During martial law, assistance can be arranged by those who organized the funeral, regardless of the deceased's category.

How to receive funds if the deceased was insured

Funds for burial are provided in the event of the death of an insured individual or their relatives who were dependent on them. This is stipulated by the first part of Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Social Insurance" dated September 23, 1999, No. 1105-XIV. Such relatives include:

  • spouses (husband or wife);
  • children, siblings, and grandchildren under 18 years of age, or older if they acquired disability status before reaching adulthood (in the case of siblings and grandchildren, this is possible only if there are no able-bodied parents);
  • students under 23 years of age receiving education in full-time form;
  • parents, grandparents, or direct line relatives.

Assistance for burial can be received by family members of the deceased or individuals who organized the burial.

To do this, it is necessary to submit:

  • an application from the person who organized the burial;
  • passport and tax identification number (TIN);
  • an extract from the State Register of Civil Status Acts or a death certificate.

Individuals considered dependent on the deceased must meet one of the following conditions:

  • be fully dependent on the deceased;
  • receive regular financial assistance from them, which was the main source of livelihood.

Family members with their own income (salary, pension, etc.) are not regarded as dependents.

The amount of burial assistance is 4100 hryvnias.

To receive it, one must contact the employer and provide:

  • a request for benefit payment;
  • an identity document;
  • financial documents confirming burial expenses;
  • a certificate with bank details for the transfer of funds;
  • a death certificate;
  • an extract from the State Register of Civil Status Acts.

Important! The decision to grant the benefit is made by the employer or an authorized person no later than the next day after the request. Payment is made within one working day after the funds are received from the Pension Fund of Ukraine.

In the event of the liquidation or reorganization of an enterprise, or the cessation of activity by an individual entrepreneur, an application for an installment plan must be submitted to any PFU service center regardless of the applicant's place of registration or residence.

How to obtain funeral benefits for a pensioner in Dnipro

Documents should be submitted to any branch of the Pension Fund. Notably, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and residents of temporarily occupied territories can apply to any convenient branch without being tied to the deceased's place of registration.

In this case, it is necessary to provide:

  • an identity document of the applicant;
  • a request for benefits;
  • an extract from the State Register of Civil Status Acts regarding death or another document confirming the death.

Amount of burial benefits for pensioners in Dnipro

For pensioners, the amount of the benefit equals two months’ worth of the pension received by the deceased.

For military pensioners, the amount is equal to three months’ worth of pension but cannot be less than five times the minimum subsistence level for able-bodied individuals. In 2025, this amount is 15140 UAH.

Special cases of receiving assistance

  • If the deceased was under retirement age, unemployed, and not registered at an employment center, one should contact local authorities at the last place of residence. The amount of benefits in this case is determined by the local administration.
  • If the deceased was unemployed, one should reach out to the employment center at the place of registration.

The documents required for this are:

  • a death certificate;
  • the applicant's passport or another document.

The benefit for the death of an unemployed person amounts to the minimum subsistence level.

Features of obtaining burial benefits in Dnipro during wartime

If the death occurred in an uncontrolled territory or combat zone, the fact of death must be confirmed through the court. To do this, it is necessary to submit a statement indicating:

  • the circumstances to be established;
  • the reasons for the inability to obtain standard documents.

Additionally, one should provide:

  • witness statements, photos, or death acts;
  • a certificate of the impossibility of restoring documents.

No court fees are charged in such cases.

Important! It should be noted that assistance is not provided if the burial was funded by the state.