Saturday25 January 2025

Where to find water issues in Dnipro on December 22nd?

In various areas of the city, efforts to resolve emergencies are ongoing.
В Днепре 22 декабря наблюдаются перебои с водоснабжением.

On Sunday, December 22, there is a water supply outage at several addresses in Dnipro, as reported by "Vedomo" referencing the Dnipro City Council.

Teams from KP "DniproVodokanal" are working at the following addresses:

– 33 Respublikanська St., water supply has been halted for the entire street;

– 36-A Shevchenko St., water supply has been stopped at 36-A, 57, 59 Shevchenko St., and 1, 2, 3, 3-B M. Hrushevskyi St.;

– 6 Hotskyi Lane, water supply has been interrupted on Hotskyi Lane and Tomakivska St.;

– 189 Chaplynskaya St., water supply has ceased in the Chapli settlement.

Water supply will be restored at the above addresses immediately after the work is completed.

As of 2:00 PM, all booster and pump-filter stations are operating normally. There are no power outages or emergency situations at these facilities.

The operation of the KP "Teploenergo" boiler house has been suspended for repair work. Temporary heat supply interruption:

– 2 Pasteura St.,

– 104 D. Yavornytskyi Ave.