Friday07 March 2025

The GDP has retained a judge from Verkhndniprovsk, who was previously caught accepting a bribe, in their position.

The High Council of Justice rejected the proposal to dismiss a judge from VerkhDniprovs'k who was caught accepting a bribe.
Судью из Верхнеднепровска, задержанного за взятку, оставили на должности, несмотря на инцидент.

The Second Disciplinary Chamber of the High Council of Justice rejected Roman Maselko's proposal to dismiss Sergey Burkhan, a judge of the Verkhnodniprovsk District Court in Dnipropetrovsk region. Earlier, NABU and SAP uncovered the judge and his intermediary for accepting a bribe of $2,500. This was reported by Slidstvo.Info, as conveyed by "Vydomo".

As known, Sergey Burkhan has been a judge at the Verkhnodniprovsk District Court in Dnipropetrovsk region since 2007. The court was also led by Tatyana Petryuk, but within a few days, Burkhan resumed the position of chairman. Activists from the Anti-Corruption Center believe that judges were circumventing the ban on re-heading the court in this manner.

In 2016, Burkhan attempted to resign, but withdrew his resignation a few months after submitting it.

In April 2024, NABU and SAP uncovered Burkhan for receiving a bribe of $2,500 . According to law enforcement sources, the judge received this money through another person and lifted the seizure of property confiscated during a criminal case.

The High Anti-Corruption Court imposed a bail of 300 living wages for able-bodied individuals on the suspect, amounting to 908,400 hryvnias. Additionally, the suspect is prohibited from leaving the limits of Verkhnodniprovsk.

"Despite the fact of corruption, Sergey Burkhan continued to hold the position of judge and administer justice. At the meeting of the Second Disciplinary Chamber of the HJC, council members did not support Roman Maselko's proposal to dismiss the judge. During the consideration of the case, 5 members of the HJC were present, including Sergey Burlakov and Vitaliy Salikhov. It was these council members who voted against the dismissal of Sergey Burkhan. Previously, these same HJC members saved from punishment a judge who closed over 200 cases involving drunk drivers," the publication also states.

During the search of his residence, $20,000 and 950 euros were confiscated, which, according to the judge, belong to his daughter and son-in-law – judge Denys Boronin of the Severodonetsk City Court in Luhansk region.

The HACC extended the pre-trial investigation period for criminal proceedings No. 52023000000000312 until 25.02.2025, dated 13.07.2023.